I'm excited to be working with the great team at the Gordon-Wascott Historical Society this summer assisting them in getting the Whalen House Museum inventoried and reorganized.
Per Facebook posts: The Gordon-Wascott Historical Society plans to open the historic Gordon Depot to the public this summer, Saturdays and Sundays, from 10 am - 4 pm. Social distancing and sanitizing will be in place. We will offer free coffee and invite the public to stop in and see all the changes and exhibits we set up last summer. The Whalen House Museum will remain closed while siding replacement, reorganization, inventorying etc. takes place. Once the genealogical research section is completed, we hope to open this part of the museum on a limited appointment basis.
The Wascott Historical Park is open on select weekends this summer.
In addition, the Gordon-Wascott Historical Society will also be sponsoring events at Gordon Good Neighbor Days, July 2-4. An Ice Cream Social will be held at the Gordon Town Hall on Saturday, 10-4 & a Historical Walking Tour, conducted by local historian Brian Finstad, on Sunday morning.
Watch their Facebook page for updated information.